Why use Solid Structures?
Strongest and Longest
Simply put, we build solid structures. With the strongest structures in the industry, there’s no better place to go for quality than right here. With our bracketed permanent foundation system, our buildings are 3x stronger than required. We refuse to put any wood in the ground, ensuring the lifespan of your building. No more rot means you won’t have to replace your building in 40 years. With the included lifetime warranty, you can have complete peace of mind that you made the best decision possible.
Absolute Quality
In an industry built on cheap and low end structures, we try to stand out. Post-frame builders often don’t know how or don’t care enough to provide the quality that customers deserve. Worst of all, most customers don’t yet know of what post-frame structures can be. Bracketed foundations have completely redefined the industry, opening the door for post-frame construction to be so much more than just a second option.
We don’t just build shops and warehouses (but when we do, they’re still the best) we also build homes that your children will hope to inherit one day. Considering that our buildings will absolutely outlive you, they probably will. Our post frame structures stand out in terms of quality for several reasons:
- Zero foundational rot guarenteed
- Highest quality materials and complete transparancy
- No longer using CCA treated columns or other toxic materials
- Warranties to display our confidence in quality
With the lack of financing available, we know that money is a common roadblock for getting started on your post frame projects. This is why we’ve painstakingly put together a system that lets us offer in house financing to make the process of putting up your dream structure as simple as possible.
You may or may not know that banks hate pole buildings because most of them don’t last. We don’t build pole buildings thankfully, well sort of. Our post frame structures use our proprietary permanent foundation brackets that keep your building from rotting away in 20 years. By making our buildings last far longer than traditionally thought possible, we are now able to confidently offer financing to our valued customers.
Your structures should outlive you, there’s no reason to replace buildings multiple times throughout your life. In an effort to provide the most value to you, we’re not only offering the best quality in the industry but also services that no one else can provide. Get your credit approved and immediately get on course to turning your dream into an asset that your children could grow old using.
Post frame construction is slowly becoming the go-to option for affordable luxury and not just temporary storage or garages. We’re focused on bringing the barrier for entry to the people who deserve it the most. You.
Learn more at our website, or get on the phone with a local rep and get started on your dream build. 100k of in house financing on approved credit.